HATCHED Presents...
70 Feet the Bath Spa Fine Art Show 2011!
So we've been very busy regarding our Free Range show.... fundraising, design, naming the show etc etc.
Here's what has happened in the last couple of weeks...
We've been bag packing, doing cake sales, and a keen member of our group has even shaved her hair off!! Raising a whopping £600! Well done Faith :)
We are all starting to think more about what we might actually be showing for our show now, as degree show time is catching up with us!
We have also decided on catalogue format and our Graphics Designer for this year is Kate Wardale! So well done Kate for being chosen.
And a big thank you to those that submitted work - we had some brilliant designs!
Here is a little preview of what the space looks like, minus the walls and the art!
Without giving much away, we have some exciting things lined up for you all! Including extra special Bath Spa art and performances!
Finally, May 17th we have a big event planned at Komedia in Bath - LIVE MUSIC, DJs, ART RAFFLE, DANCE and DRINKS. More info and line up TBA soon... Tickets will be on sale after Easter.